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925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 1
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 2
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 3
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 4
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 5
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 6
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 7
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 8
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 9
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 10
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 11
925 Sterling Silver pendant and medal of Kazan icon of Mother of God and Jesus Christ in the openwork frame decorated with stones. Item code MD001527. Picture 12

Massiver 925 Sterling Silber Anhänger Medaille Kazan Heilige Mutter Gottes Schutzbeschützerin Religiöser neuer christlicher feiner Glaube Schmuck MD001527

Normaler Preis $53.99 Einzelpreis pro

Der Ikonenanhänger stellt die Kasaner Gottesmutter dar. Hier sehen wir die Jungfrau Maria und das Jesuskind.

Die kyrillischen Abkürzungen auf der Vorderseite bedeuten „Mutter Gottes“ und „Jesus Christus“.

Gewicht – 3,59 Gramm.

Stempel und Metall – 925 Sterling Silber (gestempelt).

Steine ​​– klare, farblose, weiße, runde Zirkonia, Durchmesser – ungefähr 1,0–1,5 mm, 15 Stück.

Artikelcode – MD001527.

Abmessungen: Länge (mit Ösenring) – 37 mm oder 1,45 Zoll, Breite – 25 mm oder 0,98 Zoll.


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Silberne Ikonen, Medaillen, Medaillons

Silberanhänger und -ketten von Faith

Silberanhänger und -ketten

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