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925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.
925 Sterling Silver large icon pendant and medal with depicting Mother of God Mary the Unfading Flower, also called the Unfading Bloom.

FESTE 925 Sterling Silber Symbol Anhänger Medaille Muttergottes Unverblassende Blüte Filigran Muster Jahrgang Christliche Kirche Feiner Glaube Schmuck MD000949

Normaler Preis $53.99 Einzelpreis pro

Sie sehen eine der seltensten religiösen Medaillen von Theotocos - die Unfading Bloom. Es zeigt die Heilige Jungfrau, die ihren göttlichen Sohn und eine Lilienblume hält.

Die Inschrift auf der Vorderseite steht für den Titel des Symbols - "Unfading Flower". Der Gebetstext auf der Rückseite sagt: "Freue dich, oh Braut Gottes, freue dich, mystischer Stab, der die unverblassende Blume blühte; freue dich, oh souveräne Frau, durch die wir mit Freude erfüllt sind und das Leben erben."

Gewicht - 5,36 Gramm.

Stempel und Metall - 925 Sterling Silber (gestempelt).

Artikelcode - MD000949.

Abmessungen: Länge (mit Bügel) - 36 mm oder 1,41 "Zoll, Breite - 18 mm oder 0,71" Zoll.


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Silberne Symbole, Medaillen, Medaillons < / h4>

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