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925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 1
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 2
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 3
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 4
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 5
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 6
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 7
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 8
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 9
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 10
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 11
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 12
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 13
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 14
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 15
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 16
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold band with prayer text inside the ring, decorated with Maltese cross and oxidized pattern. Item code RI001943. Picture 17

Ring aus massivem 925er Sterlingsilber und echtem 375er Gold, US-Größe 8,25, Gebetsschrift, filigranes Muster, neuer christlicher Kirchenschmuck, edler Schmuck und Glaubensschmuck, RI001943

Normaler Preis $45.99 Einzelpreis pro

Dieses wunderschöne christliche Glaubensamulett ist mit einem Malteserkreuz und einem oxidierten Filigranmuster verziert. Der Silberring ist mit einer echten Goldplatte kombiniert.

🙏🏼 Die kyrillische Gebetsschrift im Inneren lautet „Спаси и сохрани“, was „Rette und beschütze“ bedeutet. Die Abkürzung „ІС ХС“ steht für „Jesus Christus“.

Goldgewicht – 0,07 Gramm.
Silbergewicht – 2,98 Gramm.
Gesamtgewicht – 3,05 Gramm.

Stempel und Metall – 925 Sterlingsilber (gestempelt) und 375 (entspricht 9K) Goldplatte (gestempelt). Das Grundmetall ist massives 925 Sterlingsilber. Es enthält jedoch eine echte Goldplatte. Deshalb hat der Artikel zwei Stempel: 925 (Silber) und 375 (9 Karat Gold).

US-Ringgröße – 8,25.
Ukrainische Ringgröße – 18,25–18,5.

Artikelcode – RI001943.

Bandbreite – 5,0 mm oder 0,19 Zoll.


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Silberringe von Faith in den US-Größen 8,0 - 8,25 - 8,5 - 8,75

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Silberringe US-Größe 8,0 - 8,25 - 8,5 - 8,75

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