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925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 1
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 2
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 3
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 4
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 5
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 6
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 7
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 8
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 9
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 10
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 11
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 12
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 13
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 14
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 15
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 16
925 Sterling Silver and 375 gold wide band with Lord’s prayer Cyrillic text inside and outside the ring, decorated with oxidized finish and cross image. Item code RI001908. Picture 17

SOLID 925 Sterling Silver and Real 375 Gold Ring US size 5.5 5.75 Pater Noster Lord’s Prayer New Christian Church Fine and Faith Jewelry RI001908

Normaler Preis $74.99 Einzelpreis pro

Dieses religiöse Accessoire-Design kommt nicht oft vor, insbesondere in einer kleinen Ringgröße. 😉 Das breite Band wird durch die Goldplättchen oben und unten verziert.

Der äußere Text steht für das Vaterunser (auch „Vaterunser“ oder „Pater Noster“ genannt), ein verehrtes christliches Gebet, das laut dem Neuen Testament von Jesus seinen Jüngern gelehrt wurde: „Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех.“ ! Да святится имя Твое, да приидет Царствие Твое, да будет воля Твоя, яко на небеси и на земли.“
Die Übersetzung lautet wie folgt: „Vater unser im Himmel, geheiligt werde dein Name. Dein Reich komme, dein Wille.“ geschehe, auf Erden wie im Himmel.“
In der kyrillischen Gebetsschrift heißt es „Спаси и сохрани“, was „Rette und beschütze“ bedeutet.

Gewicht des Goldes – 0,14 Gramm.
Gewicht des Silbers – 4,82 Gramm.
Gesamtgewicht – 4,96 Gramm.

Stempel und Metall – 925er Sterlingsilber (gestempelt) und 375er-Goldplatten (wie 9 Karat) (gestempelt). Das Grundmetall ist massives 925er Sterlingsilber. Aber es enthält echte Goldplatten. Deshalb ist der Artikel mit 2 Stempeln versehen: 925 (Silber) und 375 (9K Gold).

US-Ringgröße – 5,5–5,75.

Ukrainische Ringgröße – 16,0 – 16,25.

Artikelcode – RI001908.

Bandbreite – 11,0 mm oder 0,43 Zoll.


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