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925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 1
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 2
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 3
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 4
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 5
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 6
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 7
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 8
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 9
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 10
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 11
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 12
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 13
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 14
925 Sterling Silver small oxidized icon pendant and locket medallion with Christian prayer inscription to Saint George Victorious depicting the battle with Dragon. Item number MD000781. Picture 15

MASSIVES 925 Sterling Silber Ikone Anhänger Medaille Medaillon Heiliger Georg siegreicher Drachentöter Sieg Neue christliche Kirche Feiner Glaube Schmuck MD000781

Normaler Preis $55.99 Einzelpreis pro

Der Text auf der Vorderseite „Святой Горгий“ bedeutet „Sankt Georg“. Die kyrillische Inschrift auf der Rückseite ist der Akathist an den Heiligen Georg und lautet: „Святой Георгий, победоносче великомучениче Георгие, моли Христа Бога, спастися душам нашим“, was so viel bedeutet wie „Heiliger Georg, der große Märtyrer Georg, der Siegesträger, bete zu Gott, dass er unsere Seelen rettet.“

Gewicht: 3,68 Gramm.

Stempel und Metall: 925er Sterlingsilber (gestempelt).

Artikelcode – MD000781.

Abmessungen: Länge (mit Bügel) – 26 mm oder 1,02 Zoll, Breite – 10 mm oder 0,39 Zoll.


Entdecken Sie mehr unter den folgenden Links:

Silberne Ikonen, Medaillen, Medaillons

Silberanhänger und -ketten von Faith

Silberanhänger und -ketten

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